
Sunday -8am prayer, 8:45AM Sunday School, 10AM Worship Service | Wednesday - 6:30PM Bible study

marriage ministry hosts...

Our very own Rev. Vernall & Sis. Connie Smith are the Leaders of our Marriage Ministry. These wonderful Servants of God have planned great Guest Speakers to come share with us this month. Family Revival is the theme for this month's Revival. Please kindly give attention to dates and times of our Speakers. Come out in numbers to show support and appreciation for the valuable Word that will be shared with us. Here is the Speaker Guest itinerary for this month:

April 3: Pastor Terrell & Lady Tiffany Monger from One Accord Ministries @ 6:30 pm

April 5: Pastor Franklin from Oak Grove MB Church @ 6:30 pm 

Topic: "Blended Families"

April 10: Pastor Danny & Evangelist Betty Neal from New Fellowship MBC

April 12: Reverend Brian & Sis. Gwendolyn Goode from Bloomfield Baptist Church @ 6:30 pm 

Topic: "Caregivers"

April 17: Pastor Marron & Torrie Thomas from Innovation 

Topic: "Infidelity"

April 24: