Upcoming Schedule


Sunday -8am prayer, 8:45AM Sunday School, 10AM Worship Service | Wednesday - 6:30PM Bible study

decEMber ScHedule of events

December 1-- Communion Sunday & Baptismal Sunday

December 3-- Bible Study

 (Bishop Fuller desires for us to fellowship and enjoy family time during the Month of December, therefore NO CORPORATE BIBLE STUDY in December. Personal Study time should continue as usual. Sunday School continues each Sunday. 

Corporate Bible Study resumes January 2025)

December 8--  Annual Church Business Meeting

ALL Members are respectfully requested to stay to be updated and informed on important Church matters. It will NOT be recorded so please stay if you want to be an informed member of Bloomfield. Meeting will be held immediately following morning worship Service.

There will be a Q & A discussion

December 14 -- Senior Christmas Dinner @ Shaunee's Event Center

Please note: This dinner is reserved for our SEASONED SAINTS:  55 Yrs and older

December 25 -- Happy Birthday LORD JESUS!   *Christmas Day*

Happy Birthday to our Church Family Members born in the Month of December!!

December  7  -- Sis. Diane Cartwright

December 16-- Sis. Rolisa Patterson

December 16-- Bro. Larry Morrow

December 22 --Bro. Antonio Woods

December 23 -- Bro.Frederick Newbern

December 24--Bro. Andre Mathis

December 28-- Sis. Sherita Oliver

December 29 -- Bro. Nathaniel Mosby